Houston, Texas
MFA, Painting, Tufts University / School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA (2005)
Skowhegan School of Painting and Sculpture, Skowhegan, ME
New York Studio School of Drawing, Painting, Sculpture, NYC
Miami University, Oxford, Ohio
Lecturer, College of Fine Arts, University of Texas, Austin 2007-2010, 2015-present
Lecturer, Foundations, Art Institute of Austin 2010-2018
Lecturer, School of Architecture, University of Texas, Austin 2008-2018
Instructor, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 2003-2006
The New Color is my flagship color literacy course. It covers the basics of color theory and unpacks the dense network of color codes at play in the world and in ourselves. Topics include color perception, basic color terms, color science, color order systems, pigments, color history, color interaction, color psychology, and color management. My goal is for students to gain color skills essential for communication in the 21st century—not just for artists and designers, but for everyone.
Color Strategies for Game Design, School of Design and Creative Technologies, UT Austin (2022)
Launching the Color Literacy Forum, with Maggie Maggio, International Colour Day, Colour Society of Australia (2022)
21st Century Color Education, with Maggie Maggio, Color Marketing Group (2022)
21st Century Color, School of Design and Creative Technologies, UT Austin (2021)
Bauhaus Color, School of Architecture, UT Austin (2021)
The Color Evolution, Color Marketing Group (2021)
21st Century Color, Women & Their Work (2021)
The Future of Color Education, Color Impact 2020 (2020)
Hero's Journey, LU+CO Studios (2020)
Creating New Business Models for Artists & Designers, LU+CO Studios (2020)
The Color Evolution, School of Design and Creative Technologies, UT Austin (2020)
The New Color, UT Austin (2019-2020)
CORE design foundation courses, College of Fine Arts, UT Austin (2016-2020)
The New Color, TAGA/ISCC Conference, Minneapolis, MN (2019)
The New Color Education Model, Munsell Centennial Color Symposium, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, Boston, MA (2018)
21st Century Field Guide to Color, Laguna Gloria Art Museum, Austin, TX (2017-2019)
The New Color, Studio Art Program, Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA (2017)
Bauhaus—100 Years of Influence, AIA Austin (2017)
Advanced Color: Strategies & Solutions, School of Architecture, UT Austin (2015)
Living Color, Interdisciplinary Freshman Signature Course, UT Austin (2007-2015)
Color Workshops, MIT Sloan School of Business, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2005-2007)
A New Field Guide to Color, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston (2003-2006)
Printing 2005: A Digital Reality, New School of Social Research, New York (2005)
Hero’s Journey, pop-up gallery, Austin, Texas
Art Bash Auction, Women and Their Work, Austin, TX
Faculty Exhibitions, Art Institute of Austin, Austin, TX
5 x 7, AMOA Arthouse, Austin, TX
Hearth House, Round 34, Project Row Houses, Houston, TX
Heart and Soul, Tellemunde, Germany
Fall Salon, UT Austin faculty exhibition, Creative Research Lab, Austin, TX
Colorfield Remix, MeatMarket Gallery, Washington, D.C.
Faculty Exhibition, UT Austin, Creative Research Lab, Austin, TX
Thread Counts Project, G.A.S.P Gallery, Brookline, MA; Massachusetts College of Art, Boston, MA; Harvard University VES
Film Series
The Wet Dreams Project, School of Fashion Design, Boston; Aidekman Gallery Tufts University
The Texas Vision: Barrett Collection, Meadows Museum of Art, Dallas, TX
Cartooning Abstraction, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA
The Crossing, Parchman Stremmel Gallery, San Antonio, TX
Monologues: Recent Paintings, Galveston Art Center, Galveston, TX
Eye of the Beholder, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Shadow Plays, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Ordinarily Sacred, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Present Tense, Parchman Stremmel Gallery, San Antonio, TX; Museum of East Texas, Lufkin, TX
The Rhythm of the Wheel, College of the Mainland, Texas City, TX
The Will and the Weather, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Fresh Ink, Austin Print Workshops, Austin Museum of Art, Austin, TX
Glimpses of Eden, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Texas Collects, Dallas Visual Art Center, Dallas, TX
Three Nocturnes and the Book of Hours, Adair Margo Gallery, El Paso, TX
Myths and Clues, Amarillo Art Center, Amarillo Art Center, Amarillo, TX
Out of This World, Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, TX
Downsizing: Small Collages, Galveston Art Center, Galveston, TX
We’ll Meet Again, Lynn Goode Gallery, Houston, TX
Miniature Collages, Carl G. Jung Center, Houston, TX
The Elastic Moment, Virginia Shore ACU Gallery, Abilene, TX
Luanne Stovall: Paintings, Drawings, Waco Art Center, Waco, TX
Luanne Stovall: New Work, Eugene Binder Gallery, Dallas, TX
Blanton Museum of Art, Austin, TX
El Paso Museum of Art, El Paso, TX
Art Museum of South Texas, Corpus Christi, TX
San Antonio Museum of Art, San Antonio, TX
The Federal Reserve Bank, Dallas, TX
Neiman Marcus Signature Store, Boston, MA
Estee Lauder Collection
Moakley Cancer Care, Boston, MA
Colour Literacy Forum, university level, project lead (2022)
Colour Literacy Project, Steering Committee. (2020-present) https://colourliteracy.org/
Fluorescent Fridays, Inter-Society Color Council, project lead. (2020-present) https://www.iscc.org/events/FluorescentFridays
Peace Through PIE, a 501(c)3 nonprofit. Since 2009, over 500 Pie Socials have been hosted in central Texas and nationwide. www.peacethroughpie.org
Hearth House, Project Row Houses, Round 34: A Matter of Food, Houston, TX (2011)
Harvest Mandala, Interactive art installation & food drive, Austin, TX (2008-2012)
Color Field Remix, MeatMarket Gallery, multimedia installation, Washington, D.C. (2008)
Thread Counts, multimedia exhibition in Boston at Gasp Gallery, Brookline; Massachusetts College of Art and Design; Harvard Film Series; and online. (2006)
City of Austin Cultural Arts Grant (2019, 2020, 2021, 2022)
National Science Foundation Grant, with Dr. Xaq Pitkow, Baylor College of Medicine (2019)
A Multidisciplinary Approach to Teaching Color to First Year University Students, Kwallek, N. and Stovall, L., 2nd Annual International Conference on Design Education, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia (2010)
Enhancing The Visibility of Interior Design Through A Multidisciplinary Model for Teaching Color, Kwallek, N. and Stovall, L., Interior Design Education Council Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (2010)
The RGB’s of Color: A Multidisciplinary Model for Teaching Color, Kwallek, N. and Stovall, L. Inter-Society Color Council Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (2008)
That Wave Is On the Beach, Stovall, L., Big Red and Shiny, 2 Apr. 2006, http://bigredandshiny.org/4848/that-wave-is-on-the-beach-part-i/
After @ The Mills Gallery, Stovall, L., Big Red and Shiny, 20 Feb. 2006, http://bigredandshiny.org/4276/after-the-mills-gallery/
Sol Lewitt & Paula Robinson @ The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum, Stovall, L., Big Red and Shiny, 20 Nov. 2005, http://bigredandshiny.org/3056/sol-lewitt-paula-robinson-the-isabella-stewart-gardner-museum/
Gaugin @ the MFA Boston, under the name Larson, L, Big Red and Shiny, 30 Apr. 2004, http://bigredandshiny.org/295/gauguin-the-mfa/
The Rainbow Connection, Jennifer King Lindley, Real Simple Magazine, June 2020, https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5e4c4a6ca407ad6209821209/t/5f0f8bfe99da432fac5c8f49/1594854423337/The+Rainbow+Connection.pdf
The Psychology of Color in Fashion. KXAN News, 20 Jan. 2020, https://www.kxan.com/studio-512/the-psychology-of-color-in-fashion
Austin Community College Fashion Incubator. 202 Fashion Hour with Luanne Stovall. YouTube, uploaded by ACCTV, 15 Oct. 2019, https://youtu.be/NhJWEIQUtbA
Austin Community College Fashion Incubator. 104 Fashion Hour with Luanne Stovall. YouTube, uploaded by ACCTV, 17 Sept. 2019, https://youtu.be/bmdYx8M_0lg
Austin Community College Fashion Incubator. 104 Fashion Hour Extra Interview with Luanne Stovall. YouTube, uploaded by ACCTV, 11 June 2019, https://youtu.be/TjPQZQUFg4M
Peace Through Pie at the Sweet Home Missionary Baptist Church. Austin American Statesman, 19 Jan. 2019, https://www.statesman.com/photogallery/tx/20190119/news/119009996/PH/1
PHOTOS: 10th annual MLK Peace through P.I.E. Social. Austin American Statesman, 14 Jan. 2018, https://www.statesman.com/photogallery/TX/20180114/PHOTOGALLERY/301149950/PH/1
Cape, Jessi. Celebrate MLK Day With P.I.E.. Austin Chronicle, 12 Jan. 2018, https://www.austinchronicle.com/daily/food/2018-01-12/celebrate-mlk-day-with-p-i-e/
Nasti, Cecilia. Peace through P.I.E. NPR, Field & Feast, 5 Jan. 2018, https://www.fieldandfeast.com/featured-articles/peace-through-p-i-e-peace-includes-everyone/
Where to grab a slice of pie, celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this weekend. Austin American Statesman, 13 Jan. 2017, https://www.statesman.com/news/20170113/where-to-grab-a-slice-of-pie-celebrate-martin-luther-king-jr-day-this-weekend
Broyles, Addie. Food Matters: Peace Through Pie returns for MLK Jr. Day. Austin American Statesman, 24 Sept. 2016, https://www.statesman.com/news/20160924/food-matters-peace-through-pie-returns-for-mlk-jr-day
‘Peace Through Pie’ a sweet way to observe King’s legacy. KVUE News, 14 Jan. 2016, https://www.kvue.com/article/features/peace-through-pie-a-sweet-way-to-observe-kings-legacy/269-309876313
Nasti, Cecilia. The Life of Pie: Luanne Stovall. NPR, Field & Feast, 8 Jan. 2016, https://www.fieldandfeast.com/featured-articles/peace-through-pie-podcast/
Wood, Virginia. Food-o-File. Austin Chronicle, 16 Jan. 2015, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2015-01-16/food-o-file/
Wood, Virginia. Food-o-File. Austin Chronicle, 17 Jan. 2014, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2014-01-17/food-o-file/
Torregrossa, Bernice. Island to celebrate MLK Day with pie social. Galveston Daily News, 15 Jan. 2014, https://www.galvnews.com/food/article_b17892a4-7da0-11e3-9d8a-0019bb30f31a.html
Peace Through Pie on KVUE. KVUE News, 2014.
Peace Through Pie Social at Travis High School. Austin American Statesman, 2014, http://www.austin360.com/videos/news/peace-through-pie-at-travis-high-school/
Peace Through Pie Socials in Austin. KXAN News, 2014.
Wood, Virginia. Pie-O-Neers For Peace. Austin Chronicle, 18 Jan. 2013, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2013-01-18/pie-o-neers-for-peace/
Travis HS Hosts Peace Through Pie. KVUE News, 2013.
Broyles, Addie. Wedges, in hopes of lifting wedges between people. Austin American Statesman, 10 Jan. 2012, https://www.austin360.com/article/20120110/ENTERTAINMENT/301109628
Torregrossa, Bernice. Group promotes pies as official MLK Day food. Galveston Daily News, 10 Jan. 2012, https://www.galvnews.com/food/article_f495e038-2dba-5e72-a746-49a3a034732e.html
Wood, Virginia. Juneteenth Dream Pie Social at Limerick-Frazier House. Austin Chronicle, 20 May 2011, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2011-05-20/juneteenth-dream-pie-social-at-limerick-frazier-house/
Peace Through Pie Social, a MLK Jr. Day Event. Austin American Statesman, 15 Jan. 2011, https://photoblog.statesman.com/tag/luanne-stovall
Broyles, Addie. Eat Pie and Help Spread MLK’s Message of Peace. Austin 360, 2011.
Peace Through Pie spreads MLK's message with desserts. KVUE News, 2011.
Tabouda, Melissa. Celebrating MLK With Peace Pie. Austin American Statesman, 2011.
Peace Through Pie. KVUE, FOX News, KAZI Radio, KOOP Radio, 2011.
Martin, Toni Tipton. Peace Through Pie. Austin Chronicle, 15 Jan. 2010, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2010-01-15/938205/
Wood, Virginia. Food-o-File. Austin Chronicle, 23 Jan. 2009, https://www.austinchronicle.com/food/2009-01-23/728998/
Torregrossa, Bernice. Woman on mission to link pie & MLK. Galveston Daily News, 2009.
Wood, Virginia. Sweet Home Dream Pie Social. Austin Chronicle, 2009.
Ulloa, Jazmine. UT Students, a Ripe Art Project with an Eye toward Charity. Austin American Statesman, 2008.
Interaction with Color Installation. MeatMarket Gallery, Galleries Magazine, Artline Plus, Washington D.C., 2007.
Fardy, Jonathan. Thread Counts @GASP. Big, Red, & Shiny, 19 Mar. 2006, http://bigredandshiny.org/4752/thread-counts-gasp/
Sloan School Art Workshops: Creativity Comes to B-School. Business Week Online, 2006.
Metzinger, Paula. Luanne Stovall at Museum of East Texas. The Lujin Daily News, 1999.
Johnson, Patricia. Out of this World, Contemporary Art Museum. Houston Chronicle, 1994.
Mohr, Kay. Luanne Stovall & the Elastic Moment. Amarillo Globe-Times, 1994.
Tennant, Donna. Luanne Stovall, Life and Art in Galveston. Houston Museum and Arts, July/Aug 1993.